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Effect of Annealing Temperature on Electric Properties of ZnO

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Nagla El Badri Mohammed Saeed El Badri* and Kamal Mahir Sulieman

Abstract: Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a semiconducting material exhibits piezoelectric or pyroelectric properties and can be used in different devices. The aim of this research is the study of annealing temperature effect on the current voltage relationship, conductivity and resistivity using Ohm’s circuit. Zinc metal, zinc sulphide, zinc sulphate and commercial zinc oxide in a powder form were collected from different areas in Khartoum State, Sudan. These samples were annealed in ambient oxygen at furnace 1000oC for 3, 6, and 9 h respectively except the commercial zinc oxide which was used as a control. Results revealed that the voltage increased smoothly with respect to the current for all ZnO samples at high temperature with the increase in time. Zinc oxide obtained from zinc metal showed a higher conductivity values (13.492-14.391 Ohom. m) than that of zinc sulphide (13.332-13.805 Ohom. m), zinc sulphate (13.289-13.606 Ohom. m) and commercial zinc oxide (13.703 Ohom. m). The resistivity of ZnO samples obtained from Zn samples represented the best results ranging between 0.0741192 Ω. m and 0.0694869 Ω.m when compared with the ZnO samples obtained from ZnS, ZnSO4 and commercial ZnO. Keywords:Annealing temperature, Electric properties, Piezoelectric, Pyroelectric, Semiconductor.

The study of difference between the frequency of positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia in people with different cultural backgrounds

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Samira Kianmanesh* and Hossein Jenaabadi

Abstract: The overall goal of this research is to investigate the difference between the frequency of positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia in people with different cultural backgrounds. The population consisted of all patients with schizophrenia to patients with schizophrenia Baharan Psychiatric of Zahedan and Ibn Sina Psychiatric of Mashhad from April 2013 to September 2013. In order to achieve appropriate statistical analysis is provided that allows a group of participants, as a whole, 64 patients were selected for this project, the 32 patients with schizophrenia in Baharan Psychiatry of Zahedan and 32 patients with schizophrenia in Ibn Sina Psychiatry of Mashhad were selected in this study is available in sampling methods. Tools used TST PANSS (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for schizophrenia). For data analysis, descriptive statistics, frequency tables were used. . The results showed that the frequency of hallucinations according Location Mashhad 15 people have auditory hallucinations , visual 1 , 6 auditory – visual hallucinations and 10 are also associated with the frequency depending on the type of illusion Location Zahedan showed that 10 cases of illusion hearing , 4 out of sight, 3 people hearing – vision and 15 were not hallucinations. In terms of content, frequency of hallucinations Mashhad Location 8 contains the illusion that sound familiar, 10 unfamiliar voice, one people, religious, political n = 3 and 10 contained no illusion. Zahedan is also associated with the frequency content of the delusion in terms of location reveals that hallucinations are 5 contains sound familiar, 10 unfamiliar voices, 1 Other, 1 and 15 were political. Keywords: schizophrenia, type and content of delusions, cultural backgrounds.

Assessing the effect of irrigation with different levels of saline magnetic water on growth parameters and mineral contents of pear seedlings

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Osman E.A. M., K.M Abd El-Latif, S.M. Hussien* and A.E.A. Sherif

Abstract: A pot experiment was conducted during the 2012 and 2013 seasons at Kanater Horticultural Research station, Qalubia Governorate, Egypt, to determine the effects of irrigation with different levels of water salinity i.e. 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 ppm as well as fresh water combined with magnetized water technology (with or without) on growth parameters and some mineral contents of pear seedlings. Obtained results show that the irrigation by magnetic water increased significantly plant height, no. of leaves / plant as well as fresh and dry weight, root fresh weight lowest and highest 2 mm as well as survival rate, N and P% of pear seedlings than those grown non- magnetic water in both seasons. While, the same results were achieved concerning with Na and Mg % of pear seedlings in the 1st season and, Fe, Zn, Ca, Mg and B content in the 2nd one. Prolein increased by irrigation with non magnetic water compared with magnetic one in both seasons.Generally, the plant height, fresh and dry weight, no. of branch and no. of leaves / plant, root fresh weight lowest and highest 2 mm as well as survival rate of pear seedlings were increased significantly by using irrigation water salinity at the concentration of 1000 ppm or fresh water in two seasons. Vice versa, the lowest ones were recorded by increasing water salinity up to the highest levels (5000 ppm and 4000 ppm) in both seasons. Increasing water salinity up to 5000 and /or 4000 ppm increased significantly prolien, N, P and K % as well as Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B, Na, Mg and Ca of pear seedlings , while, the lowest ones were recorded by irrigation with fresh water or the lowest salinity level (1000) ppm in both seasons. In most cases, the growth parameters (shoot and root) of pear seedlings were improved significantly by using magnetic technology with lowest salinity of irrigation water 1000 ppm fresh water while, the opposite trend was recorded by raising salinity up to 4000 and 5000 ppm without magnetic technology in both seasons. Conversely, increasing water salinity up to 4000 and 5000 ppm with magnetic technology gave the highest values of macro and micronutrients as well as prolien % of pear seedlings in two seasons. Keywords: Assessing, Irrigation, Different levels, Water, Pear seedlings.

Canola productivity as affected by nitrogen fertilizer sources and rates grown in calcareous soil irrigated with saline water

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Osman EAM*, MA El- Galad, KA Khatab and FAF Zahran

Abstract: A field experiment was carried out in two successive winter seasons of 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 to study the effect of nitrogen sources (ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulphate and urea) and rates (30, 45 and 60 kg N/fed.) on the productivity and nutritional value of canola plant grown in calcareous soil at El -Areish Agricultural Research station,) ARC) North Sinai Governorate, Egypt (lat. 31.05 and long. 33.50 and 30.57m above the mean sea level). The main results were: In most cases, ammonium nitrate achieved a significant positive effect on most yield characteristics and seed yield as well as N, P, K, Oil and protein percentages as well as Oil yield in both seasons. However, branches number, plant highest, N content and protein % of seed did not respond significantly toward the nitrogen sources in first season, flowering 100 % in the second one as well as flowering 50 %, P content and oil % in both seasons. The highest nitrogen level significantly affected positively all canola tested parameters compared to other levels in both season. Generally, the highest obtained values for most characteristics of canola under investigation were achieved when the plants received ammonium nitrate with highest rate. Meanwhile, there were insignificant differences due to the interacted treatments on No. of branches / plant in the first season. Keywords: Canola productivity, Nitrogen, soil, Saline water.

Response of barley grown in saline soil to bio-fertilizer as a partial substitutive of mineral fertilizer.

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El-Shahat R.M*, Sherif A.E.A and Faten M. Mohamed

Abstract: Two field experiments wear designed concluded at the farm of Sahl Husseiniya Research Station. The main target of these experiments was to evaluate the response of barley to 75% NPK, bio-inoculation with Azolla (fresh, dry) and / mixture of halo-tolerant bacteria under saline soil conditions. The mixed bacteria mainly included, nitrogen fixers microorganisms as well as their enzymatic phytohormone, exo-polysaccharid and same enzymatic enzyme activity. High significant were estimated with treatment using (T10) 75% recommended dose of N, P and K + Azolla foliar + mixed bacteria two dose (30 and 60 days after sowing). Inoculation with mixed bacteria (two equal doses at 30 and 60 days of sowing) and Azolla enhanced the biological activity of the soil, and this trend was more pronounced in the treatments received T10. At the end of experiment after barley harvesting, salinity of the upper soil layer 30 cm decreased to be about 21.80 % from the initial soil. On the other hand, pH values decreased with the application of treatment from (T3) 75% recommended dose of N, P and K + Azolla dry to (T10) as foliar. Bio-fertilizer led to the increments in soil N, P and K available contents. The results indicated the import. The obtained results showed that, variation in available micronutrients content soil namely Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu, resulted from mineral –N and bio-fertilizer (Azolla and mixed bacteria) during both planting seasons. All the bio-fertilizers treatments recorded significant increases for grains and straw yield as compared with un-inoculated treatments control. The tested bio-fertilizers attained significantly high values for 1000 grains weight as compared with the control treatments. Treatment T10 reported high significant content and uptake of Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu of grains and straw. Keywords: Azolla, Halo-tolerant, Mixed bacteria, 75% N, P and K used, yield and yield component of barley, Saline soil.